Roberta Passa

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Job Interview Tips: NewCv's tips.

Need some job interview tips?

NewCv has you covered.

One of the best ways to differentiate yourself, though, is by providing examples of your skills. How you solved a problem, showed initiative, and increased productivity, help employers understand how you’ve previously dealt with particular situations, tasks, or people.

The thinking is that if you did something great once, you can re-create the success elsewhere.

Answers to 7 Most Common Job Interview Questions with our guidelines!

1. How are your communication skills?

Build you’re your story with the STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action, Result).

Example: "I’m a strong communicator. In my last role, to improve communication in my department, I initiated weekly stand-up meetings where no topic was off-limits. It became a vehicle for eliminating redundancies, promoting best practices, and improving overall morale. It became a more fun place to work where people felt safe to share their points of view.”

2. What Can You Bring to the Company?

This question requires you to sell yourself and to research the employer before the interview: use what you know about the company to show why you would be a good match., align your past experiences with the company's needs,

3. Tell Me About a Time You Failed.

With this question, you should Demonstrate that you learn from your mistakes and use the experience to get better and that you’re accountable and upfront: the bes

t examples of failures allow you to tell a compelling story because you learned something and grew from the failure

4. How Do You Prioritize Your Work?

Describe how you schedule your day, explain how you shift between priorities and discuss how you set your deadlines according to task urgency,

and provide details about how you determine appropriate time frames

6. How Do You Deal With Pressure or Stressful Situations?

Describe a time when you were given a difficult task or multiple assignments and how you rose to the occasion, try to emphasize how you dealt with the stress rather than how much it bothered you.

7. What Do You Like to Do Outside of Work?

This is an opportunity to let your personality shine. Our advice is to be honest – with a caveat – keep it professional. A good rule of thumb here is if you find yourself wondering if it’s appropriate, it’s not. Instead, share your life-enriching passions.

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